Yearly Archives: 2011

Major gains in efficiency of livestock systems needed

By 2050 an expanded world population will be consuming two thirds more animal protein than it does today, bringing new strains to bear on the planet’s natural resources, according to a new FAO report published today.

Populations and income growth are fueling an ongoing trend towards greater per capita consumption of animal protein in developing countries, says the report, World Livestock 2011. Meat consumption is projected to rise nearly 73 percent by 2050; dairy consumption will grow 58 percent over current levels.

Much of the future demand for livestock production — in particular in the world’s burgeoning cities, where most population growth is occurring — will be met by large-scale, intensive animal-rearing operations.

“As it stands, there are no technically or economically viable alternatives to intensive production for providing the bulk of the livestock food supply for growing cities,” FAO’s report says.

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Characteristics Of Duck Cihateup

As the name implies, this duck came from the village Cihateup, Rajapolah Sub, Regency Tasikmalaya, West Java Province. Ducks Cihateup called mountain duck, because duck is a growing area located at an altitude of 378 m above sea level (asl) which is a plateau, with the cold air. Ducks are also grown in areas around Tasikmalaya, such as in the Garut. To popularize and enhance the benefits Cihateup duck, then please be aware that biological characteristics can be used as guidelines in cultivation.

Ducks have potential as Cihateup female laying ducks, with a production capacity of about 200 grains / year, and 65.1% egg hatchability. Ducks Cihateup male potential as producers of meat because of the ability of the growth of good body weight.

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Potensi Probiotik Asal Bekatul

Penambahan ekstrak limbah pasar sayur mampu ternyata mampu merubah kualitas Bekatul menjadi pakan fungsional probiotik. Bekatul merupakan sisa penggilingan padi dan digunakan hampir semua jenis ternak di Indonesia dan berproporsi 20% – 30% dalam ransum ternak unggas. Kandungan zat gizi pada bekatul antara lain : 15% air, 14,5% protein, 48% bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN), …

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Itik Cihateup, Itik Gunung yang Turun Gunung

Itik yang ada di Indonesia merupakan itik pendatang yang mengalami domestikasi, dan merupakan keturunan dari Indian Runner.Ciri khas itik Indian Runner adalah postur tubuhnya yang hampir tegak, dan bila dilihat dari arah depan terlihat seperti botol anggur, paruh dan kakinya berwarna hitam. Menurut Hetzel (1986) itik lokal yang ada, telah mengalami adaptasi dengan baik pada lingkungan dimana mereka dikembangkan.

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palm kernel cake in poultry rations

Poultry rations (laying hens and broilers) commercially in Indonesia is currently using soybean meal as the main source of protein, although we do not produce soybean meal (SBM). That is why the number of imported soybean continue to increase which, according to the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, by 2010 had reached 2.8 million tons. Therefore, it is very interesting if any feed ingredients that can replace soybean meal, especially when the material and its use of technology can be obtained in the country. There have been many studies reported in the country and abroad that aim to find a replacement soybean meal as a protein source in poultry rations. One of them is replacing the SBM with palm kernel cake (PKC).

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